
Mark is unavailable, but you can change that!

Mark is a gospel. First gospel or not, Mark is surely the only New Testament book which calls itself a gospel. "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God" is the title of this work, and its self-designation ought to shape any interpretation which respects the text. "Gospel" can signify a literary genre, or a particular theological message, or a canonical writing normative in...

Greek verb is in the present tense: “They come into Capernaum.” The gospel is about past events and includes future predictions, but it addresses the reader in her or his own circumstances, blending past, present, and future into an immediate confrontation with Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. Use of the historical present tense is one way the Gospel of Mark achieves this immediacy. Second, the place is important, but not for geographical reasons. Just as the second or third century ruins on
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